Bought the Acmer P1 10W as my first starting laser, with the honey comb, air assist and the cover to vent the moke out of the room. Overall, one of the best laer cutter / engravers I've reearched. Going to upgrade to the P2 33W next after we get this one paid off. Grab it on sale, ave some cash. Took about 2 short days to get the hang of using it with the basics. Already preparing to start making earrings, keychains, signs and memorial stones to start our business with.
These guys shipped the order fast, anwered my questions fast and is a great first laser for anyone starting out. Had the laser package within a week of ordering. Would buy from these guys again after this experience. Also, grab lightburn, it is well worth the money and easy to use. Thank you Acmer for making a great starting laser! You guys rock!
Only con I had of this experience was (Not Acmer's fault at all thou) that it took me around 4 hours to setup, and get everything together on the table we was going to use it on, but outsude that, it was worth the money over all. It will get me up and running in the wood engraving and cutting business!
Good luck with all your ventures!